Tadek Ocean Engineering, a dynamic consultancy and project delivery company managing marine, offshore and subsea projects, was commissioned to deliver a sector-leading report for Floating Offshore Wind turbines (FOWT).
The report, produced for Marine Power Systems, provides in-depth analysis in key areas such as platform sizing, quayside and port operations, tow and stability, mooring and cable installations, and operation performance.
It meticulously examined the benefits and drawbacks associated with both SemiSub’s and MPS’ PelaFlex TLP system across various stages of operation.
One of PelaFlex’s significant advantages, in terms of its smaller footprint and enhanced stability post-installation, identified maximum turbine output, optimising overall operational efficiency and long-term reliability of critical components.
Highly interesting analysis
The report concluded that PelaFlex has potential to emerge as a highly viable solution, offering enhanced performance and efficiency across a wide range of project scenarios.
Tadek’s industry leading expertise saw Senior Engineer Nigel Terry carry out the work, alongside Senior Naval Architects, Diogo Nunes and Dr Daniela Benites.
According to Nigel, the report provides a highly interesting piece of analysis for the floating wind sector at large, as comparisons are often made between different floating offshore wind systems, but few studies look at key aspects which are critical to a commercially viable FOWT project. He added:
“Utilising a tool Tadek developed in-house, we were able to size a Semi-Submersible floater to perform a broad series of comparative studies with MPS’s PelaFlex platform.
We discovered the PelaFlex system had a number of advantages, including the floater size, assembly and quayside operation, due to its smaller footprint and draft, fewer components and lighter weight.
In terms of overall performance, limited motions displayed by PelaFlex, resulted in greater power efficiency and workability, essential for O&M activities and vital for overall cost effectiveness.”
Nigel Terry, Senior Engineer, Tadek

Dr Daniela Benites added:
“One particular outcome of the benchmarking was the umbilical cable design, where the suppressed motions of the TLP directly benefited the integrity and reliability of the umbilical cables.
This means that the cable’s fatigue life is improved, and a less complex configuration is required, which in turn reduces associated installation and operational costs of the FOWT system.”
Dr. Daniela Benites, Senior Naval Architect, Tadek
Tadek supports a wide range of requirements from high-value corporate projects through to prototype works. Founder and CEO, Rupert Raymond, said this project for Marine Power Systems highlights the firm’s ‘obsession’ for seeking the ‘engineering truth’ and delivering excellence for clients.
“Since 2010, Tadek has developed a highly qualified and academically gifted team. But what differentiates us from other consultancies, is our operational experience in the field – we offer an effective combination of front-line engineering expertise with complex desk-based analysis.”
Rupert Raymond, CEO, Tadek
Marine Power Systems’ TLP technology, PelaFlex, was awarded a Statement of Feasibility by independent certification body, DNV, in September 2023, following a comprehensive certification process.
The modular floating platform supports the rapid deployment of industrial scale Floating Offshore Wind while maximising local content delivery through the existing supply chain.

Source: Offshore Energy
Link: https://www.offshore-energy.biz/tadek-assesses-floating-offshore-wind-platforms-for-marine-power-systems/
About Tadek Ocean Engineering
Tadek offers services in SURF & Marine Analysis, FOW & Floating Systems Design, Structural Design, Naval Architecture, and project engineering & project management support to Marine Projects.
We work collaboratively as a trusted partner, dovetailing with stakeholders and project teams, providing specialist consultancy, complex analysis, engineering solutions, and practical project delivery.
Our expertise has benefited over 200 successful projects worldwide, supporting a wide range of requirements from high-value corporate projects through to prototype works.